Always Know When Your Little One Is Sleeping

Always Know When Your Little One Is Sleeping Soundly

The VTech DM221 Safe & Sound Digital Audio Baby Monitor is built to give crystal clear transmission to easily hear any sounds coming from your baby’s room.

It relies on the latest DECT 6.0 digital technology to avoid feedback from other wireless devices or annoying static.

Clarity and distance on the VTech DM221 is great and is packaged with useful features like talk back to easily communicate with a baby when in a different part of the home.

Features You’ll Value

Great sound, the VTech DM221 Baby Monitor is feature-rich to provide a highly reliable tool to monitor the baby at any time of the day. Here are a few of the most pleasing features:


The VTech DM221 has a useful loop at the top of the unit that lights up and acts much like a standard night light. However, the light isn’t the brightest, but is useful to let you know where the unit is in low-light conditions.

DECT 6.0 Digital Technology

This baby monitor is built with the latest DECT 6.0 Digital technology to help provide the type of transmission that is crystal-clear and entirely free of interference. This means the only noise likely to be heard is the baby’s voice. Also, the DECT technology is entirely encrypted and secure, which means there is no reason to be concerned that anyone else can hear the baby.

Listening range

The listening range for the VTech DM221 is in the region of 1,000 feet. It is built to let you listen out for a baby anywhere in the home or even when out in the garden. The portable parent unit used by mum or dad has the ability to run for a period of 18 hours on a full charge. Plus, it is compact in size and includes a built-in belt clip for ease in moving around entirely hands-free.

Talk back communication

Talk back is one of the most pleasing features of this baby monitor. Simply use the parent unit to talk or soothe the unhappy baby. This type of communication can take place from any point in the home – provided it takes place with the designated listening range.

Adjustable volume indicator

The VTech DM221 has adjustable volume with a choice of 5 levels to make it really easy to listen out for any baby sounds. It even has a vibration mode to give parents an alert when the baby starts to fuss.


  • Easily picks up soft cries and whimpers
  • Long range; works well in multi-story homes with no interference
  • Useful life of the rechargeable batteries
  • Great at blocking background sound
  • Bright LED on parent receiver to indicate a baby cry or other noise
  • Adjustable sound of baby/parent unit
  • Nice little night light


  • Talk button on received occasionally gets stuck on (could wake the baby)
  • Any volume adjustments make a loud beeping noise


Overall, the walkie-talkie feature and sound quality on the VTech DM221 Safe & Sound Digital Audio Baby Monitor is good. The monitor is really useful for picking up the slightest whimpers and soft cries, so you are able to get to your baby before they get too upset. Also, the range is more than adequate. However, one minor issue is the battery life of the parent unit, which lasts maybe 3-5 hours before needing a recharge.

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